Saturday, May 10, 2008
Hey all, This is zhenzhi. I have attached the schedule for the checking of papers and all. Oh and I have just some reminders for you guys,
1. Please remember to tell me the tickets order for 70th anniversary on
MONDAY. The ticket prices are: $20, $25 and $100
Dates (according to the letter):
Matinee, 26 June 4pm
Sneak Preview, 27 June, 6.30pm
Fund raising Dinner and Performance, 6.30pm
2. On Monday, we will check our ss paper from 2-3pm, then we'll do the don't know what test from 3-4pm.
3. Please remember to send Gina any photos of you or any of our class people (in any school related attire) asap.
Yeah, that's about all, any problems just call or text me. THANKS:D

7:05 AM